Inland Sea and Seaweed
Adam at Inland Sea, a beautiful little brand from Greater Manchester has been a longtime supporter of The Path, and we really like what he has been up to. Steadfastly pushing his organic gear instead of the more profitable synthetic dominated clothing ranges of many brands.
So it is with little surprise that Adam has gone a step further, he is currently kickstarting a range of clothing made with seaweed, it's a first step to introduce seaweed fibre into Inland Sea's ranges, but like all pioneers in industry, it's an important one. Whilst the gear won't be 100% seaweed, it will be blended with cotton, it's an exciting move. If you'd like to find out more, you can do on his kickstarted here, we're also going to do an in-depth with him this week, so we can really get beneath the skin on it.
Exciting times though check out the kickstarter here - SEAWEED
You can check out Inland Sea HERE