We need your help

It's been a tough year for all of us, and as we start to head towards a vague light at the end of the tunnel we want to get back on track to where we want to take The Path and our community. 

We are purely about telling stories, and specifically ones from Northern Europe which go mostly untold, about regular people, people who surf and explore our wild coastlines, people who protect them, people who charge lonely slabs, people like you and I, who just love surfing, the ocean and life around it. These are stories that need to be documented to inspire and help tell the tales of what being a surfer is all about. They are not commercial stories, we're not talking about sponsored stars most of the time, not people who are selling things, and in return all we are doing is selling a vessel to tell them in the most beautiful and long lasting way. We don't want too many ads, we don't want to be a shop, not that there is anything wrong with that, we just want to be as pure a source of storytelling as possible. 

So this is where we need your help, we don't want to crowd funders or fund raisers, we just want to sell you some copies of the mag. We have 400 copies of issue 101 left, 200 issue 102 and 300 issue 103, they are all fascinating, quality reads which we are very proud of, and every penny spent will be re-invested into creating more incredible stories, it's that simple. Check out what is in each below, and it can be as simple as a fiver to support independent story telling. 

Issue 101

- Land Sea Sky - Tony Butt on sea level rise, and Dan Crockett in Patagonia

A social media free adventure throguh Britain and Ireland

Ben Selway fighting cancer and keeping shooting and plans for the future

Mike Kew - A low key journey throguh bits of the pacific you have never heard of

Lea Brassy - Trying to be a travelling surf pro and a Patagonia/Eco activist

A wild few days stuck in a blizzard on the Greenland sea

Surfing vs Big Oil About The Surfer’s Path


Issue 102

Master shaper and tubesmith Neal Purchase Jnr

Adventure in The Congo

Tony Butt - The cost of losing waves Environment - Can we still fly to surf?

Lucia Griggi - Breaking ground as a female photographer, incredible photography

Hull to Helsinki - What would you do if you got a job in Finland? You'd drive the coast of Norway to get there...

Van life - The realities of giving up bricks and mortar

Incredible Gallery Instant Surf - St Agnes local Matt Smith on shooting surf culture with a polaroid


Issue 103

New England - With Brian Nevins

New Zealand - With Mark McInnis, Dane Gadauskas, Pete Devries and Noah Cohen

Cornwall - An outsiders perspective

East Anglia - Dan Crockett and Jack John

Isolation tales from - India, Indonesia, Canada, Ireland, Scotland, Mexico and Marocco Land Sea Sky And as always and Epic Gallery




Thank you for the support, we're really trying to achieve something that goes way beyond the usual commercial content we are pushed all the time, so you're support is essential.