Our Path
It's been 18 months since we came back into print, it was always going to be difficult to breathe life back into The Path, but a global pandemic has torn up even the most difficult scenarios of re-birth and replaced them with a very dark time for all of us. It has taught us one thing though, there is a strong little community out there of supporters for what we do who have placed a lot of trust, patience and faith in us. Even when our distributor went bust holding magazines, and delays to distribution may have made it seem we had succumbed to a premature passing, you all stuck with us. Without that, and our own steadfast determination I'm not sure we'd have survived 2020. Even when we got through that it still had a sting in its tail when I contracted Covid, definitely not something to be taken lightly, it laid me low for a week, and that was a mild infection.
So as we canter into 2021, in another lockdown, but with a distant light at the end of the tunnel, there is a world of hope and opportunity ahead.
The Surfer's Path always stood for travel and adventure, with a serious leaning towards the environment as well, and we hold these as the pillars of our existence. Things change though, what was once an exclusive travel feature is now online within minutes of something happening, and that's just the way of the world. So we pivot and search for our place and relevancy. That place is still telling the tales of adventure, and in-depth look at the environment, but we want to be something else as well. Our place in our own corner of the world is more important than ever. As everything becomes more globally orientated, we are more than ever interested in our own backyard. From the west coast of France, the the Atlantic coasts of Ireland, Wales and England, The North Sea Nations, and the Norse lands of northern Scotland, Scandinavia, Iceland and Greenland. This is our realm, this is our backyard and the people, adventure, environment and culture within it are our focus and mission to record. The ultimate idea is with our community, we lay down a timeless document in print, online and in film which reflects what surfing is around here for us to enjoy and for the future to digest, and do it with no prejudice to wavering craft, persons or influence from brands, a completely impartial look at our world.
If that sounds good to you, then you're in the right place, if you'd like to join the community there are four ways and you are most welcome no matter which way you choose. You can join us with a subscription, buy a single issue (you get a months access to the archive per issues), a digital subscription or just enjoy the free side here. The fifth way is contributing, we are proud to be running readers tales from Devon to Indo, Hawaii to Helsinki in the last couple and the next couple fo issues and they are all really good, so we welcome them with open arms.
The Path is yours, although we make and curate it, it really does belong to the community, and whilst the last 12 months have been incredibly difficult we've got through with your support and it's time for you all to benefit, and we thank you for your support, our vision would have been extinguished without it.
Here's to creating another stack...