Behind The Shots 019 - 020
Lets go to France, somewhere we are not allowed to go at the moment.
019 - Gabe Medina, and some Nuns
Back when France had a WCT, and we were allowed to go and watch things, every year, without fail, a group of Nuns would turn up and watch a few heats. No actually correct that, they would religiously (excuse the pun) watch every heat. A habit makes good for keeping the chill off in the morning, like here during Gabe's heat and protection from the sun when it get warmer...
020 - Micah Lester, La Piste
This morning was freezing, the paddle out in early April was ice cream headache inducing, but Micah had the whole stretch to himself. It was confused, broken up swell, but every now and again a gem would slip through.