The Archive in 2024
We started the archive just over a year ago, the idea was simple to get the first 100 issues of TSP online so the full resource of surfing tales, environmentalism, travel and oceanography could be free for everyone.
The first fourteen and the latest issues are all live, but we had an issue with issues 15 onwards in that the format (shape/size) of the magazine got much bigger and changed several times. This meant we didn't own a scanner capable of scanning the rest, and also the PDF distributor provider also wouldn't accommodate the different sizes.
We have now found a PDF management system which will handle all the different sizes of The Path (it changed sizes 6 times!), and we managed to find a secondhand oversized top end scanner to do the rest. There are none of the original design files left you see. So from March we will be adding a couple of new issues a week. The individual issues will remain free, but if you'd like to support us and get instant access, you can take out a digital sub for a tenner and get all of the new issues as well as the archive all in one place HERE